Working with Water – the sacred springs and wells of Britain
Water is the foundation for all life and was respected and held sacred for the gift it offered to all living beings.
Embracing Darkness: A Celebration of Ancestral Wisdom and Connection to Nature
There's a reverence and a deep celebration and truth and rawness in the shadow, in the dark, in the ugliness. Winter is the celebration of the crone, of that ugly appearance, but the richness that that carries, the wisdom and the knowledge, and just the truth.
Awakening to a Deeper Relationship with Intelligence
An important part of our awakening process is to engage with this practice of broadening our definition of both communication and intelligence and to open to share our lives with the abundance of life around us and within us.
Collaborative Evolution
When we learn to look from the perspective of connectedness, we see a different story. We never deviated from our natural origins.
The missing piece of the puzzle
Returning to Being - Remember who you are, where you are from, what you are a part of.