Working with Water – the sacred springs and wells of Britain

Water is the foundation for all life and was respected and held sacred for the gift it offered to all living beings.

For years I had a small book on my chest of drawers – Sacred Springs by Christina Martin. It inspired a deep wish to one day visit springs and wells and do energy work for healing and balance. It wasn’t until this year that I was finally able to start this work.

My work is purely intuitive. I open to the Source and the soul of Earth in service and ask that whatever is needed flow through me. I do not always “see” or know the results of this work in any clear way. I trust that whatever is needed at these sites will be given and surrender the outcome of the experience. I open to let energy flow through my body and my voice, using sacred sound where guided. I also leave a small piece of crystal that has been energised to provide a long-term connection and flow of healing to the area.

Wells and springs used to be sacred focal points for our connection to nature and the spirits of the land that care for these sites.

Water is the foundation for all life and was respected and held sacred for the gift it offered to all living beings. Sadly, this sacred role has been forgotten by the majority and these sites fall into disrepair. As our waterways are damaged and poisoned, this in turn creates enormous imbalance in the land. We are not separate from this calamity; it impacts us on many levels even without us being aware of it. As we re-awaken to our special connection with nature, we can work consciously to restore the balance and open to the blessings this brings all life.

Occasionally, I get a sense that the energy of the site has changed and expanded. I understand that through working at a well or sacred spring, the energy will enter the flow of that water, travelling in all directions, both upstream and downstream, and into the deep water tables of the land and resonating out into the web of energy lines that criss-cross through the whole country. Nothing exists in isolation. When working on one site, it may open in connection to many other sites nearby or even far away.

I will document this work here. In the future I hope to be able to take small groups to these sites and work together to share love, balance and healing.

The first well I visited was Daniel’s Well in Malmsbury. I was not certain I would be able to get direct access to the well and when I reached the site, I was able to see that the whole well was submerged as the river was swollen. This proved to be no obstacle, I understood I could work with any point of access to the water in the area and whatever energy was needed would go to the right place.

The flooded site of Daniel’s Well

Next, I visited a very special site – Monk’s Conduit Well near Edington. It took some careful research on Google maps, but it was worth it. The well house is hidden buried deep in undergrowth with only the small entryway visible. The waters flow clear into a trough. This site has a beautiful energy to it.

Entrance to Monk’s Conduit Well

Close by is another well – St. Catherine’s Well. This is located next to a small narrow road on the edge of Bratton. This well was no longer used and did not seem to be flowing. Once I connected, I sensed that it had diverted to flow into the nearby stream.

St. Catherine’s Well

On a recent visit to Cornwall, I visited a beautiful well called St.Ruan’s Holy Well (also dedicated to St.Grada). This is a much-loved site, with fresh dedications and offerings telling me it has frequent visitors who care for it.

St.Grada’s Well

I also had the opportunity to visit St.Melangell’s Church with a friend. This church is located down a small valley in Wales. Here, there are Yew trees that have been dated at over 2000 yrs. The energy of these trees was very special. After we both connected to send healing to the site, we felt an enormous shift in the energy that flowed down the valley. I had the impression of a hard crust breaking loose and energy flowing freely again. One special image that came to us was of a goddess, with arms open, pouring energy down through the valley, a rebalancing and empowerment of the sacred feminine. This was very apt as St. Melangell was a woman. We found there was a well nearby, Ffynnon lewyn - St.Melangell’s Well. We could not access the specific site at that time, but through working with the stream that flowed down from that point, we could do all that was needed.

One of the ancient Yew trees at St. Melangell’s Church

The stream leading down from St. Melagnell’s Well



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