Every breath you take, you breathe with the Earth.
You are not alone
“You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer.”
Thich Nhat Hanh
The Earth is alive and aware. We live our lives on an immense conscious being and rarely do we understand what that means for us. The more we can open to experience a connection with the Earth, the closer we come to remembering our true purpose here. Our evolution and the evolution of this planet are intimately connected. As we evolve, our growth contributes to the evolution of the planet.
Lantara is a soul name of the Earth in the original language of energy. Lantara calls for us to remember our connection. It lies within us, like a long-forgotten memory shrouded in a mist of conditioning. When we reconnect with the consciousness of Earth, the mist clears and we remember our heritage and our purpose.
We are one consciousness with a shared soul journey. The closer we come to the Earth, the more we will cherish it, nurture it, protect it and create a very different future. We will want to live sustainably and care for all our fellow inhabitants and respect all the elements of nature.
We live in one continuum with Earth and nature. It is impossible to be seperate. Through the meditations you will find here, through the writing, images, audio and videos, we will help you remember. The more we remember, the more we bring this experience into our daily lives, the more our mind body and spirit will respond with health and positivity. The deeper we sink our roots the wider our wings will spread to fly.
Welcome to The Lantara Project.
My name is Alex Rawlings. For the last 30 years I have walked the path to uncover the soul within. Part of this journey has been to build a deep relationship with the soul of Earth. This connection has become very special for me. Now it is time to share this experience with others.
My journey started with an interest in traditional spiritual practices from India and the far east. When I was 23, I experienced an opening to a deep connection to what I called "Source energy" which lasted several months. During this time I came to understand that spirituality went far beyond holding certain beliefs or ideas, it was a state of being that had a profound impact on my relationship to the world and to myself. After this short time the feeling of connection changed and I had to begin the work that would heal my seperation to the Source. The experience was a porwerful gift, one that gave me an insight on where to look for this connection again: within myself. I later studied with teachers in the west. For 25 years I have studied the path of the Grail with a teacher called Tareth. Through the support of these teachings, I reconnected to the Source teacher within me. Now my life is my greatest teacher as through my Source connection life brings to me everything I need to learn.
I am guided to share the wisdom and path of the Grail through these pages, meditations and teachings. I offer these gifts with unconditional love and with the intent of the highest good for all.
All the photography on this site is mine, unless otherwise stated.